Sunday, November 18, 2007

Menil Collection

The Menil collection is designed by famous architect Renzo Piano and his project team and was finished built in 1987. The building itself is the home of 10.000 artworks own by Mrs. Menil. The construction was finished in 1987. This building famous for its unique and complex roof system that allow the natural light comes inside the building and perform as the source of light for the artworks.

The roof system that Menil collection is famous for. It took quite long to make the roof due to its complexity.

View of the corridor

View of another corridor

Main Entrance of Menil Collection

The Whole view of the model


Paolo said...

Hi Antonio! How are you? My name is Paolo, I'm from Italy and I'm an Architecture student in Venice. I'm sorry if my English could be wrong...=)
I've seen your beautiful 3D model of Menil Collection...(it seems made with SketchUp, right?). I'm doing an Architectural Design Course (III year)and I have took the Menil Collection as reference. It would be fantastic if you can send me your model...can you do me this favour? Pliiiiis! =)
My e-mail is:
My blog:

However my friend...your model is very fine & thorough...good job!
Have a good time man! See you soon!

HenryLee said...

Hi! I'm a 2nd-year archi student in Sydney. I wonder if I could take the captures of your Menil model for my presentation? You will be credited for your work.


LEO said...

Excuse me
I come from Taiwan.
and I'm also a student study in Architecture.
I think I'm going to study the case:menil collection, also.
I was wondering if you could send the sketch up model to me.
it's would be very appreciate!!
and maybe we can exchange some comment or date on the case.

thanx a lot

mike cochran said...

another person wondering if you could send me the sketchup model of the menil project. if so that would be fantastic.


Unknown said...

Hello. My name is Logan, and I'm a second year student at LSU. Our studio is designing a museum for Mark Rothko, and our site is the open park space just to the west of the Menil Collection. I was wondering if there would be an way that you could send me the sketchup files that you have done. They are of exceptional quality and would greatly assist me in my site analysis/project design. Thank you so much. My email is

Arquitectura said...

hola, soy emiliano de buenos aires y vi tu 3d y esta muy bueno,quisiera saber si me lo pondrias mandar desde ya muchas gracias

hola, soy emiliano of Buenos Aires and saw your 3d and is very good, I wondered if I would put it now thank you very much mandar

my mail is ;

Unknown said...

Hi Antonio! How are you? My name is Songyi. I'm from Korea and I'm an Architecture student in Korea.
I've seen your beautiful 3D model of Menil Collection. I'm doing an Architectural Design Course (II year)and
I have took the Menil Collection as reference. It would be fantastic if you can send me your model..can you do me this favor?

My e-mail is:

Please give sketch up file.ㅜㅜ
In hurry.
PLease!!!!!!!!111 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
We must making building by this monday.

Unknown said...

Hi! May I use the snapshots of your model for our presentation boards. May I also have a copy of the Sketchup file please? You will be given due credit on the boards. :)

Thank you very much.

My email:
My blog:

james said...
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james said...


James from LSU, doing a site by the menil. Just asking what everyone else is, if I could get a copy of your sketchup handy work. email:
thank you a ton. you are awesome.

james said...
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Dan Rapoport said...

Hi Antonio, this is a wonderful model! I am a second year student at CMU and hope to use your 3D model to generate a series of angled sections, plans and elevations that I will ultimately lasercut (plexi) and construct into a model. Could you send me this sketch up file? I will credit you in my presentational work.


Dan Rapoport said...

(my email is, thanks)

Benjamin Smith said...

Hey mate,

Excellent model, yet again another student after a copy of this model. Excellent model, very impressed and would make great reference for my final piece.



Benjamin Smith said...

sorry forgot to leave email,

Unknown said...

hellow! my name is David, i'm a architecture student, i´m from Bogotá Colombia, in this moment im analyzing the menil collection project, i see your model and is perfect great!´can you send me the model please!
look this is e-mail:
i going to credit you in my work!
thank you!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saris said...

My name is Sara and your model it's just awsome!!!
I'm student of architecture and I want to know where I can found the plans to make a similar model...

thanks a lot...

my e-mail is:

Unknown said...

Hey Antonio, My names Preston Im a third year Architecture Student from Houston Texas I have been searching for the Menil Collection Drawings for a while now and it seems as if your sketch up model is the best one that i have seen, so i was wondering if you might be able to send it to me i would really appreciate it and it would save me so much time i have visted the site many times its just really hard to get all the shots that i need.

My email address is :

Thanks Man

Captain C said...

Hi Antonio,

Excellent model, yet again another student after a copy of this model - for a sustainable design systems subject.
Was wondering also if you knew the names of the spaces of this building. or where i can find them...plans and such
my email is


ajlebrilla said...

I am an architecture student studying the Menil Collection also. I was hoping that you can email me your model at . Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I am an architecture student studying the Menil Collection also. I was hoping that you can email me your model at Thank you so much!

djserna91 said...

Great Job on the model the details are great. I am a second year undergraduate student at the University of Houston. I was wondering if you could pass me along the 3d sketchup model of the menil which will be used to relate to the bookstore I am designing for the menil. This project is for my design studio course. You will be credited for the work and it would be greatly appreciated if you could send it.

e-mail to

Thanks man!

djserna91 said...

Hey Antonio,

I am a second year undergraduate student at the University of Houston. I was wondering if you could pass me along the 3d sketchup model of the menil. I am designing a bookstore for the menil for my design studio course, you will be credited for the work. It would be greatly appreciated.
send the e-mail to

Thanks man!

djserna91 said...

Hey Antonio,

I am a second year undergraduate student at the University of Houston. I was wondering if you could pass me along the 3d sketchup model of the menil. I am designing a bookstore for the menil for my design studio course, you will be credited for the work. It would be greatly appreciated.
send the e-mail to

Thanks man!

djserna91 said...

Hey Antonio,

I am a second year undergraduate student at the University of Houston. I was wondering if you could pass me along the 3d sketchup model of the menil. I am designing a bookstore for the menil for my design studio course, you will be credited for the work. It would be greatly appreciated.
send the e-mail to

Thanks man!

Unknown said...

hello Antonio! my name is Valentina, i'm a architecture and engineering student, i´m from Padua and i see your model and is perfect great!I was wondering if you could pass me along the 3d sketchup model of the menil. Can you send me the model please!?

look this is e-mail:

Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

Hi Antonio, I'm Calonge, and I'm looking forward to your Menil's collection sketch up house. I'm an architecture student from Spain, and I have to realize an study of this house. It's very important.could you send it to me soon?? please I really need it to study and realize this degreework.

thankyou so much, and I hope you send it to this e-mail adress:

THANKS A LOT!!!! and pleasee,do it as soon as posible it's very important!! goos byeee!!

Unknown said...

Hi Antonio, I'm Calonge, and I'm looking forward to your Menil's collection sketch up house. I'm an architecture student from Spain, and I have to realize an study of this house. It's very important.could you send it to me soon?? please I really need it to study and realize this degreework.

thankyou so much, and I hope you send it to this e-mail adress:

THANKS A LOT!!!! and pleasee,do it as soon as posible it's very important!! goos byeee!!

Unknown said...


I am an architecture Student from the US and saw that every one was asking for your model. Its awesome and would be very appreciative if you would do the same and consider sending me the model. I am only using it as a reference, not as my own work.

It would be awesome if you could.



AA said...

Hi Antonio. how are you. My current design uses the Menil Roof structure. You have an awesome 3d Menil roof. Is it possible to get the copy of the sketchup file that u did for my reference.

my email is


ByanG01 said...

Hi Antonio,

I am currently an architecture student and currently working on a scale model of the Menil Collection for Material and Methods class. We have to represent the structural elements of the building.
All of the sources that we pulled from the library do not have any dimensions to the architectural drawings.
I would like to ask you to send a copy of the Google Sketchup Model to Your model looks very precise and would be a great tool to construct our model.

Thank You

Vindic8D said...

Hi, am an architecture student from Singapore & I would appreciate a copy of the sketchup file if possible!!

If possible, please send to

Thanks in advance [:

Anonymous said...

hi I was wondering if you could send me the file of this model? I would like to use it in a presentation for work. my email is

Anonymous said...

Hi I was wondering if I could get the file for this model? I would like to use it for a presentation for work. My email is, thanks

Anonymous said...

hi I was wondering if you could send me the file of this model? I would like to use it in a presentation for work. my email is

Anonymous said...

hi I was wondering if you could send me the file of this model? I would like to use it in a presentation for work. my email is

Anonymous said...

hi I was wondering if you could send me the file of this model? I would like to use it in a presentation for work. my email is

Anonymous said...

hi I was wondering if you could send me the file of this model? I would like to use it in a presentation for work. my email is

Anonymous said...

hi I was wondering if you could send me the file of this model? I would like to use it in a presentation for work. my email is

fabio said...

hello antonio
I saw your model
I would repeat in 3ds max but I have found some drawings

You can send your model or drawings you used to create your model


fabio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fabio said...

hello antonio
I saw your model
I would repeat in 3ds max but I have found some drawings

You can send your model or drawings you used to create your model


Unknown said...

Hi Antonio!I'm from Italy and I'm an Architecture student.
I've seen your beautiful 3D model of Menil Collection. I'm doing an Architectural Tecnologic Course and I have took the Menil Collection as reference. It would be fantastic if you can send me your model...can you do me this favour?
My e-mail is:

Unknown said...


As I can see you have already been asked many times to share your model. I would like to ask the same as I'm doing a lighting study of it. I would fully credit you with the model creation and would be happy to give you any rendered images I produce. If you set up scenes in sketchup I will know which views you want and which time of day.


You can see some of my renders at:

My work is not great but I have come much further on in my render technique since making the site so I don't think you will be disappointed.

Hope to hear from you soon.



Unknown said...


As I can see you have already been asked many times to share your model. I would like to ask the same as I'm doing a lighting study of it. I would fully credit you with the model creation and would be happy to give you any rendered images I produce. If you set up scenes in sketchup I will know which views you want and which time of day.


You can see some of my renders at:

My work is not great but I have come much further on in my render technique since making the site so I don't think you will be disappointed.

Hope to hear from you soon.



Unknown said...

Antonio Hi, my name is Miguel, I'm studying architecture in Saint Etienne in France, and I'm on the current study Menil Museum in Houston, Texas. I have been found and appreciate the work you have done on this subject and would like to know if you were able to agree send me information and see the building elevations. to perfect my current work.
Pending forward to your return, friendly.

sorry for my English

Have nice day

My mail is

Anonymous said...
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Nathan Zhai said...

Hi Antonio, could you please share me your 3D MODEL with me? I'm an architecture student at Georgia Tech, researching Menil Collection. My email is

Pending forward to your return


Unknown said...

Hi Antonio! How are you? My name is Wendi, I'm an Architecture student in Western Australia.
I've seen your amazing 3D model of Menil Collection...(it seems made with SketchUp, right?). I'm doing an Architectural Course (III year)and I have took the Menil Collection as reference. It would be fantastic if you can send me your model or drawing!!! can you do me this favour? Pliiiiis! =)
My e-mail is:

Thanks a lot!!!

Yiwei said...

Hi dude,this is Yiwei,Studying at Politecnico di Milano now,we need to do a research on Menil Collections,and your model is very perfect for us,so can you sent your model to us?
this is my


Anonymous said...

can you please share this SketchUp file with me. I am a 2nd-year student and doing case studies over this building I will give you credits. my gmail=

james981701 said...

hi I am a 2nd year stundent in korean architcture university.I'm doing case study of menil collection and I don't have any CAD plan file about it. So could you please send your skp model to me?

shttyusrnm123 said...

Hello :)

like most other people who have commented here I'm also an architecture student doing a case study of the Menil Collection and am having trouble finding accurate measurements online. If it possible to send a copy of the file to me it would be greatly apprectiated.
Email is


Unknown said...

Hello im from Slovenia :) i am also arch student, and i am wondering could you send me too the 3d model on email :)

my mail :

i would appreciate so much ! :) thank you

Kellero said...

Hi Antonio, could you please share me your 3D MODEL with me? I'm an architecture student from the University of Houston, like the majority of people here I'm' studying Menil Collection.

My email is

Thanks in advance Keller.

Unknown said...

Hi I am an architecture student from India, I'm studying Menil Collection and am having trouble finding accurate measurements, could you please share me your 3D model?

My email is

Thank you

Unknown said...

hello! my name is seungwon han, and I'm a architecture student in Korea. I'm studying this model now and your model can make my project so good. If you read this comment, could you send your model to me?

thank you so much

Unknown said...

Hello, I am a student in the Department of Architecture in Korea. I was looking for a model for the Menil Collection, and your work looked so great. We have to do a menil collection as a homework during the semester, so if you look at this comment, is it possible to share a 3D model? Thank you for reading.

e-mail :

Unknown said...

Hello, I'm an architecture student and making a climate analysis of the Menil collection, can you send me the model that will really help Us.
Thanks a lot