Architectural Design Studio 3
Project 3: Art Gallery, Shop and Apartment
The Artist

Max Ernst

Salvador Dali
Sculpture by Max Ernst

Painting by Salvador Dali

Series of Paintings by Dali
The artist I've chosen is Max Ernst and Salvador Dali. Both are renown surrealist artist with great range of work variety. Max ernst is sculturer and painter while Dali is a painter. The client wants to display and sell work of Dali both replica and real and Max Ernst sculpture.
In term of correlation with my building design, the large variety and quantity of Dali paintings and Ernst's scuplture need a lot space for exhibition. Large wall space area and open space for sculpture.
The Main idea of the building is the side louvre. The side louvre deliver smoother, pure, and unharm sun light to the painting. The paintings of Dali are consider as very precious and luxury, thus it needs high quality of treatment. To prevent deterioration of the paintings, the reflected light from the louvre is chosen. The idea is unique, thus not many gallery so far us natural light from the side, often it is from sky light.
The use of skylight for the sculpture, is clear idea, it gives sense of "spot light" to the sculpture, thus enchance the atmosphere around Ernst's sculpture.
Photo Site: 232 King Street, Newtown
Aerial/ Google Earth Photo
Draft Drawings and Model
Draft model using balsa
1:100 Drawings
1st Floor Plan
1st Floor Plan with building elevation
2nd Floor Plan
4th Floor Plan
4th Floor Section
Final Model and Drawings (1:100)
Plan drawing of entire levels
Section drawing of entire levels
1st level sculpture gallery Perspective
It can be seen clearly from the drawing the use of skylight to diffuse the sunlight. The sculpture is illuminate by the sunlight and give spot light effect.
Site Plan
2nd floor painting gallery perspective
It can be seen clearly in this drawing, the idea of side louvre to give natural light effect to the Dali's painting on the wall. The corridor is empty, yet gives unobstruct view to all the object. The shape of the window pattern is represent the surrealism of geometry, thus it gives sense of correlation with the works of art.
The Model
Final model "exploded" in progress
Entire view of final model
Entire view of final model(side)
View from King.St with outdoor courtyard
Another view of entire model
Exploded final model
The model is not in section, but in exploded. By making it in exploded my scheme and concept of the design can be more clearly understand.
View of 1st level View of 1st level sculpture gallery
View of 1st level View of 1st level sculpture gallery
Entire view of 1st floor
View of 1st level corridor
View of 2nd level courtyard
View of 2nd level painting gallery
View of 2nd level painting gallery
View of apartment with balcony and skylight on the restroom.